New Year’s Resolutions

So you are on day 2 of a new year. You have already failed on your New Year’s Resolutions…you are disappointed at yourself. “Such a loser”, you think to yourself. But are you really? It could be that the part of you that is thinking this is the part of you that wants to procrastinate forever. A part that is self-destructive and afraid of progress.

Sure, you have already missed out on your training schedule for this year on the very first day, but that means very little in the grand scheme of things. The real question is not whether or not you are a loser but rather, whether you still want to continue with the goals you had set for yourself. You missed out yesterday, but should that really be your limit? Losing once?

At any point of your life, you can begin executing your goals. You don’t have to start on your birthday, on a new month or even on a new year (which happens to be the most popular). You have to start when you are ready to go for your goals and are tired of always wishing you would achieve certain things.

If you want to lose that belly fat and wanted to workout everyday in 2022, why are you going to let it go because of one day? Yes, you failed yesterday…does that mean you have to fail for the next 364 days? Just continue today. What matters is losing the belly fat not when you missed and when it worked. You can still get that body that you want, yesterday is just one day.

Even if you were to miss the first 31 days of the year, being January, you would still have succeeded over 90% of the year if you just continued doing what you wanted for the rest of the year. This is to say, you can start at any point and still succeed. We give ourselves way too many excuses not do things and most of the time it is just our minds playing tricks on us.

Pursue your goals and dreams. Do what you have to do. Your excuses should not define how you live your life. It is also important that you reframe how you view failure if you do not have a healthy relationship with failure. Failure should be viewed as what it is, the inability to do a certain thing at that given time. There is nothing more to it than that. You failed that time and its very possible for you to succeed the next moment. We tend to exaggerate and extend the impact of failure more than necessary. This is also why we bask in the glory of victory too long too. Once a person succeeds at something they remain fixated on it so much that they fail to move on with life and end up being a “has-been”. Yes, in your days you were the chess champion, but what are you currently doing to remain as good?

If you want to handle loses properly, take everything you do on a moment to moment basis. Your entire life cannot be dictated by a moment of weakness. Lose…but get back on that horse and strive for excellence. You have what it takes.

Go for your resolutions and reframe them day by day in order to ensure victory. You did not fail on your New Year’s Resolutions, you slipped and now its time to get back up and execute. Good luck.

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